If you have ever tried to buy steroids online, you may have noticed that everyone says that the best way to buy steroids is to use cryptocurrency. There are several other payment methods when it comes to buying steroids. However, cryptocurrency is the safest, easiest, and undoubtedly the fastest way. Once you get used to it, you won't want to go back to any other form of payment.

This is because your orders will be sent much faster since payments with cryptocurrency are accepted much faster. Here we are going to share more useful information about cryptocurrency and a guide on how to buy steroids using cryptocurrency.


What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is an anonymous method of payment that allows you to transfer money online from one account to another. In short, cryptocurrency is a virtual currency that cannot be traced. You can send it from one account to another extremely quickly and anonymously. These are the two most important features of cryptocurrency, which make it so attractive to many people. It is a decentralized, non-governmental virtual currency that is extremely fast and easy to use. Cryptocurrency is undoubtedly the best way to pay for your order if you want to buy steroids.


What cryptocurrencies are there?

There are thousands of different cryptocurrencies, but we accept 2, and we will now tell you about each of them and why we choose them:

- Bitcoin - the very first and most popular cryptocurrency in the world.
Pros: the most popular and well-known cryptocurrency in the world, many people know it and use it.
Cons: price instability. The price of Bitcoin constantly changes, and if, for example, you buy it for 1000 euros, then the next day it can turn into 800 euros or, on the contrary, grow to 1200 euros - it all depends on the percentage of growth or fall in the price of Bitcoin.

- USDT (TRC20) - the most popular cryptocurrency after Bitcoin. Its feature is that 1 USDT = 1 $ - and this rate never changes, this is called a stablecoin, and it is very popular because of this feature. IMPORTANT! USDT operates in different networks, for example, TRC20 (Tron TRX), ERC20, ETH, and others. We accept USDT on the TRC20 network. When making a transfer, be sure to check in which network you are making the transfer.
Pros: a popular cryptocurrency that many people use. Stable price at 1$, which allows you to easily and accurately calculate the cost of payment and not worry about the price of the asset falling.
Cons: a fee (1-3$) in the form of the TRX currency may be charged for transferring USDT on the TRC20 network, which you also need to have in your wallet.


Is cryptocurrency legal?

Absolutely. Many well-known companies accept cryptocurrency as a means of payment. Microsoft, PayPal, and Starbucks are just a few examples among many others. That is why you can use cryptocurrency not only to pay for steroids online but also for many other purposes.


Can I buy cryptocurrency online anonymously?

Yes, you can - all transactions with cryptocurrency are anonymous. Many people trust cryptocurrency, and millions of people already use it daily for various needs. Billions of transactions have already been made using this form of payment.


How can I get cryptocurrency?

First, you need to create a cryptocurrency wallet. It is called that because it resembles a regular wallet for storing cash, but a cryptocurrency wallet is an online wallet designed to store your cryptocurrency.


Which cryptocurrency wallet is best to use?

There are a large number of cryptocurrency wallets on the market. We can recommend using Trust Wallet.


Why exactly it?

Trust Wallet is simple and easy to use, it does not require in-depth knowledge of cryptocurrency. You can also buy cryptocurrency in it and send it to anyone.

* when buying cryptocurrency, we recommend purchasing a slightly larger amount than the order total, as there may be small transfer fees incurred during transactions.

Here are a few helpful materials to help you start using cryptocurrency:

- How to create Trust Wallet
- How to add USDT (TRC20) in Trust Wallet
- How to buy USDT (TRC20) in Trust Wallet
- How to buy Bitcoin in Trust Wallet
- How to send cryptocurrency